Nicte Trevino


Matthew Gonzalez, Staff

Nicte is a very active person in her community as well as in school. Trevino spends a lot of her free time volunteering with the Democratic Party of Hidalgo County. Trevino also spends a lot of time with her friends whenever she can. Trevino is a very caring person and will do whatever she can to help not only her friends but her community as well.


Trevino volunteers at the Democratic Party of Hidalgo County headquarters where she will helps sell merchandise as well as call people to see if they are registered to vote.  also to see who will vote. She also wants to educate her family, friends, and community on what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, as well as the Democratic Party, stands for. 


When Trevino isn’t volunteering she will be spending time with her friends. Trevino tries to spend a lot of time with her friends and will go shopping as much as she can. According to Trevino, if someone doesn’t stop her she will buy clothes with all her money. She will also go out to eat a lot and just spend time with her friends.


Trevino is not only a well-rounded friend but a student as well. Trevino tries to get the highest grades possible so she can get into a good university. Trevino wants to study abroad most likely in Europe so she can achieve her goals of being a criminal lawyer in London. Trevino is also in debate, which according to her, is what will help her achieve her academic goals not only for school but in life as well.


All things considered Nicte is a very well rounded and active person who will not let anything or anyone stop her from doing what she likes.