College Acceptances

Sophia Sanchez, Co-editor

As the second-semester starts, our seniors are starting to receive some of their college acceptances. This wait has been keeping the seniors excited and on the edge of their seats as the college, acceptances have been rolling in. With seniors applying to multiple colleges, they are getting ready to settle down and commit to the college of their choosing.

Senior, Keoni Vega, says that he is “incredibly exciting to hear back from colleges. Reading acceptances letters makes me think about my future. I may end up in New York City or I may end up in Iowa. It is all very exciting.” This is how Vega feels about getting into colleges.

“I have received six college acceptance letters thus far, but the majority will come in March. Having to wait two and a half months is a very anxiety-riddled feeling. I just want to know already!”, said Vega when he was asked, “How anxious are you feeling while waiting for your dream schools?” Most ivy league schools will be sending out their regular decisions in just a couple of months. Some of our seniors have this nervous feeling due to applying to their dream schools.

Vega was then asked what he is most excited about from hearing back from the different schools he applied to. “My dream colleges are Harvard and Yale. As a prospective political science major the best schools for my degree happen to be the ivies- which makes the application and waiting process even scarier.” Vega stated.

Lastly, Vega was asked what the things he is most excited about college are. “I am most excited to leave and explore new things, and new parts of the country.”

We would like to wish all our seniors good luck as they are continuing to apply to colleges, and a great big congratulations as they receive their acceptances to colleges!