PSAT Ready

Dakota Brandt, Staff

      This year the freshman, sophomores, and juniors took the PSAT’s but being a junior means that I had to take it more seriously than others. This PSAT is a good indicator of what I need to work on to get ready for the actual SAT later on in the year.
     In the couple of weeks leading up to the PSAT, my English teacher had us doing worksheets and preparing us to get a good score. There is no way to fail the PSAT, you either score well or you don’t. If you meet certain score criteria there is a chance to obtain some scholarships or even money grants.
     The test has four different sections, two English and two Math. They each have a different amount of time spent doing them. In total taking the test without the needed breaks would take about 2 ½ hours to 3 hours.
     By doing everything to get ready for the test you can score well and with scoring well come different opportunities for the future. Even though it may seem like the PSAT is dumb and you need it, in reality, it is setting you up for success.