Pigskin: Division 1!

Sophia Sanchez, Staff Member

This past Saturday, the Mighty Mustang Marching Band competed at the 77th annual Pigskin Marching Band Competition. The band got a superior rating of all 1s! This is such an amazing accomplishment towards all band kids. They have put a lot of time and effort into the program, and it has all paid off when they heard the rating they received. The entire band has worked so hard for everything, and it has finally paid off!
It all started with one day at band camp, not many people thought they would last due to the heat and all the time they had to put into this program. Sure, we had a couple quit here and there, but most of the kids stayed. It was very hot during the summer, but we managed to push through. As school began to start, we had football games and competitions. It was a little hard to keep in check with our homework, tests, and school work, but it all worked out at the end. We knew that it was all worth it when we heard that “Division 1”. All the work we put into after school practices and such, finally worked out. Thank you to all the administration and staff that has gone out to support the Mighty Mustang Band!